Thursday, September 25, 2014

I'm Staying in Grand Blanc?!

Just kidding, I'm not staying in Grand Blanc.
I've been here for 6 months and now it's my time to go.
Tomorrow I will be headed to what will probably be my last area.
Of course I'm sad, but I'm ready for new adventures.
I will go where ever the Lord needs me, when He needs me to, without a fight.
I know that God has a plan for everything.
He is so aware of everyone and their needs.
While here in Grand Blanc I have learned a lot.
I have learned how to be me and that's something that I lost for a little while.
For a long time out here in Grand Blanc, I felt depressed and lost.
It was strange, but I overcame it with the help of the Lord and for that I am eternally grateful.
I have been able to truly see the Atonement work in my life and the lives of others.
It has been truly amazing.
I've worked with people who have addictions they never thought they would overcome.
I've worked with people who thought there was no hope, but soon found it through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This church is true and I know that by seeing it change people's lives for the better.
Here's a cool miracle.
We had another busy week and didn't have much time for finding.
Our district leader asked us last night how many hours of finding we did this week.
I said, 5 minutes.
It's true!
We only did 5 minutes.
It sounds pitiful, but in that 5 minutes, God blessed us with a new investigator who has been amazingly prepared to hear the gospel.
It's one of our neighbors.
The funny thing is that the night before we found him, we were talking to the zone leaders.
they had found 2 sweet investigators.
Our conversation went like this:

Me: Man, we haven't found any.
ZL: Well, have you gone tracting?
ZL: *laughing* Well you have to go tracting to find new investigators!

OBVIOUSLY, I know that, and when we went finding, we found someone who is ready.

I hope you all have a great week!

Sister Heywood

Families Are Forever

It's getting cold here.
How annoying.

You know, I miss my family.
It's so hard to be so far away from them with so little contact, but guess what!
I get to be with them for ETERNITY!
We will be a family forever and that's all possible through The Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter-day Saints.
Because of the temple we are sealed together forever and if we remain worthy of our covenants, that bond will never be broken.

I was reminded of this and am so grateful for eternal families because I witnessed a family who had a loss.
There was a guy (we'll call him Bob) who came to visit his daughter (we'll call her Amy).
Bob came up from Illinois to visit Amy.
It was a surprise visit.
They hadn't seen each other for a while.
They're both members of our church, but Amy hasn't been for a very long time and I don't know if Bob is active.
Bob had a heart attack and ended up in the hospital.
His sons came from Utah to see him.
Unfortunately, we got the news last night that they had to let Bob go.
It was so sad to hear that, but I know that Amy will come back to church and will be able to make it possible for her to be sealed to her dad for all time and eternity. :)

We were crazy busy again this week.
The Elders asked how many hours of finding we did.
We did 0. 
Haha, that sounds awful, but we honestly didn't have time.
I'm hoping that this week we will be able to do some finding.
We really need to.

Kay, before I go, here is a cool story.
We were teaching Serena and as we were leaving the church, she asked about modesty.
Well that's kind of my thang, like I'm super obsessed with it, so I was really excited.
Serena is the perfect example of how the gospel changes lives.
She has a desire to dress modestly.
She doesn't fully understand why it's important, but she knows the gospel is true and that she should dress modestly. :)
We are going shopping with her today to help to find modest clothing and to show her how to make immodest clothing modest.
I'm so excited!
She is so solid!

I love you all and pray that you will have a good week :)
Don't forget how much God loves you.
I'd like to invite you all to look for God's tender mercies this week :)

Sister Heywood

September 8th

Boy was this week a good one!
We were busy, busy, busy.
We were so busy that we only had time to knock on like 3 doors.
Because we were so busy teaching and didn't have time for finding, I was scared we wouldn't find any new investigators.

Well, the Lord blessed us with two and we didn't even need to find them.
One of them, Serena, started investigating in March in Las Vegas.
She went to New York for a bit and then came back home to Michigan.
When she got here, she did everything that she could to find us.
She knows the church is true and she wants to get baptized.
She has a lot of problems with self doubt, but I know she will overcome that and be baptized to receive the blessings that God has to offer those who follow his gospel.

The second one is Cassie.
The Elders have been teaching her.
We love Cassie.
We're basically best friends.
Well, some things have been going on in Cassie's life and the Elders feel it might be best for us to teach her.
Whether this is temporary or permanent we don't know.
But we don't care either way!
We're just excited to teach her! :)

Well, some other crazy things happened this week.

We saw one investigator pretty much every day.
3 of those days, he was drunk.
He's a really happy drunk.
It's pretty funny.
One day I asked "on a scale of 1-10, how drunk are you?"
He said 3, then 4, then 5.
He may have gone up to six.
Haha he's a funny guy.
He came to church though!
That's good :)

Have a great week!

Trust in the Lord and His timing.
I promise you that it's better than ours.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Sister Heywood

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jim & Phil

This week has been awesome!
So full of miracles!

We found Phil and Jim this week and they are so solid!

We knocked on Phil's door and he invited us to come back the next day.
We did.
I was so nervous.
I hate return appointments almost more than I hate the initial contact!
I get so nervous.
Anyway, the return appointment with Phil went great!
He said he has been being tried lately and that he's been looking for something, and then we knocked on his door :)
I'm so excited to help Phil :)

Now let me tell you about Jim.
Jim is awesome.
We found him at McDonald's.
Our Sister training leaders committed us to pray for colors this day.
We chose to pray for yellow.
We prayed that everyone who was prepared for the gospel would be in yellow.
So we knocked on yellow houses, houses with yellow trim or yellow flowers.
Talked to people in yellow or with yellow logos on shirts and hats.
Well guess what.
We went to McDonald's and it's got YELLOW!
And that's where we found Jim.

Jim: You look like you just came from church
Me: We're missionaries
Jim: Oh! I have questions for you.

Of course he asked about polygamy. 
he actually kind of thought we did things like the Amish.
He was excited to find out that we're normal haha.
He's awesome.
We've seen him twice now and he's excited to meet again.

This was such a great week!

I hope you all have the best week of your lives!


Sister Heywood