This week was better.
Not much happened, but it was good.
We got to see all of our investigators which was nice.Not much happened, but it was good.
I don't know how, but it hurts.
I have to wrap it, elevate it and take lots of Advil.
A foot doctor in our ward thinks I may have strained my arch.
It's no bueno, but I'm surviving.Knocking is hard, since it hurts to walk, but I know it will get better and I'm trying to pace myself so I don't hurt it worse, 'cause then I will be hurt longer.

I have to be honest.
I was not excited to go see him.
I don't know why.
I don't know why.
He's super cool and he's an apostle, so why wouldn't I be excited?
I have no idea.
I have no idea.
But I'm so glad that I got to see him though.
We had a half hour drive to Clarkston to pick up the Sisters there.
Then we drove to Holt, Michigan for transfer meeting, which was about an hour and a half.
Then we drove to Lansing, had the meeting and then went back to Clarkston (we got ice cream on the way) and then went home.
I got to shake Elder Holland's hand.
Now, we had to do this in an organized fashion because there were like 300 missionaries.
We had to weave through the pews to make a line and we had to quickly shake Holland's hand.
Well, I stepped on Sister Watko's shoe before we got out of our pew and then when we went through the next pew and tripped over everyone's bags and then that made me step on Sister Watko's shoe again and then with her trying to put it on we tripped over more bags.
I don't know how I got out of the pew.
I just tripped my way through.
And on my way back, one of the sisters was crying from laughing so hard.
SO when we got to Elder Holland, we were hiding our laughs and so how did it feel to shake his hand?
I don't know.
I don't know.
It was too fast and I was a little distracted.
It was too fast and I was a little distracted.
I was worried that this would change the Spirit for me, so I prayed really hard that I could feel the Spirit.
I happened to have my patriarchal blessing with me and I got to study it before Holland came.
I'm so glad I did.
He talked about different impressions that I got from reading my blessing and helped me to better know how to act on those impressions.
It was pretty sweet. :)
I learned how to be better, how to have courage and how to be better converted.
Holland didn't talk about how to teach better and stuff.
He taught us to convert ourselves, so then we can help convert others.
It was great.
He talked a lot about repentance, which I've been really trying to work on.
I'm grateful for what I learned from the Spirit that day.
I know that President Monson, his counselors, and the 12 Apostles are prophets, seers and revelators.
I am grateful for them and all they do.
I know that God loves me.
I know that He love you too. :)
We are so precious to Him.
We are so precious to Him.
He wants all of us home and I know that the way home is through the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I know that Gospel has been Restored to its full form by Christ, through the prophet Joseph Smith, into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and through His Atonement, I can be made clean.
I love you all and pray that you have a great week :)
Sister Heywood
D&C 6:36
Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
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