Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happiness Is a Warm Puppy?

Well it's getting cold.
We should be getting snow any day now.
I'm wearing big brown second hand boots with my super cute outfit.
Is it cute with the boots?
Probably not.
Is it a fashion disaster?
Could I qualify to be put on What Not to Wear?
But guess what.
It's cold.
Sister Taylor is having a harder time with the cold than I am.
She's having a hard time adjusting from dry cold to humid cold.
To me it's just cold since I haven't experienced much cold.
Yesterday she exclaimed "you are NOT from California! You're from somewhere weird!"
So this week was interesting.
It was the end of the month.
Do you know what that means?
No miles.
We decided to walk to District Meeting.
Bad idea.
We didn't leave soon enough, so we were running late.
The other Sisters had to pick us up.

On Thursday we walked all day in the rain.
Happy Halloween to us!
But guess what!
We taught a lesson to this awesome guy selling pumpkins outside the YMCA.


How did the rest of Halloween go?

Let me give you a play by play:
We continued to walk to the church after our lesson.
We had decided earlier that we would eat lunch at the church.
We just had to heat up our food in the oven for a bit.
When we got to the church it was being cleaned.
Well, we couldn't eat our lunch there.
We called a less active who lives close by and luckily she came and got us and we heated up or frozen pizza in her oven and ate there.
Now, our boots, socks and tights were drenched.
We made lots of phone calls trying to set up appointments for the upcoming week while we waited for everything to dry.
None of it dried.
We walked to our dinner appointment wet.
Luckily it was warm!
Unfortunately, Sister Taylor's umbrella broke.
We got to our dinner appointment looking like wet dogs.
Sister Tenney gave us her hair dryer and we sat on her floor drying each other’s feet.
We had a delicious dinner and then went home because we had to be in by 6.

It was a great Halloween! 

I told you briefly about the less active we see every week.
Let me tell you more.
When we come in we get attacked by giant puppy.
We talk in the entryway for 5-10 minutes while still getting attacked by giant puppy.
We ease our way to the couch while being attacked by giant puppy.
We say opening prayer while being attacked by giant puppy.
We teach lesson while getting attacked by giant puppy.
Somehow, some way, the Spirit manages to be there.
We say closing prayer and giant puppy manages to stay calm.
We say "amen" and get attacked by giant puppy.
We hug and say goodbyes while being attacked by giant puppy.
We leave while being attacked by giant puppy.
Somehow we make it out without any major fatalities, but we are well coated with slobber and hair.
It's awesome! 

Sister Taylor and I had a big heart to heart the other day. It was great!
We needed it.

Then we got to go to the happiest house.
The Daley family is awesome!
They're so sweet and happy and the Spirit is so strong there.
It felt like being home. :) 

In the reading in Mosiah there is a very common theme.
It's pretty common throughout the whole Book of Mormon, but it has really stuck out to me in Mosiah. 

Here it is:
If you are faithful and obedient, you're blessed. If you aren't faithful and obedient, you aren't blessed.

I also loved Mosiah 16:6-8 

 And now if Christ had not come into the world, speaking of things to come aas though they had already come, there could have been no redemption.
 7 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no asting, there could have been no resurrection.
 8 But there is a aresurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of bdeath is swallowed up in Christ.
It basically says that without the Atonement, life would be pointless.
 9 He is the alight and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death. 


9 Now Abinadi said unto him: I say unto you, I will anot recall the words which I have spoken unto you concerning this people, for they are true; and that ye may know of their surety I have suffered myself that I have fallen into your hands.
 10 Yea, and I will asuffer even until death, and I will not recall my words, and they shall stand as a btestimony against you. And if ye slay me ye will shed cinnocent blood, and this shall also stand as a testimony against you at the last day.

Abinidi stands up for what he believes and won't back down.
We all need to be this way!
Cross reference that with Romans 1:16
Well I love you all!
Have a great week! 


Sister Heywood

PS. I hit 5 months tomorrow!
Can you believe I've been a missionary for 5 months?
I can't. 

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