Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I've Never Seen so Much Road Kill in My Life!

Michigan fact:

There is road kill.
Lots of road kill.

Well, this was another exciting miracle filled week. 

We found a new investigator at the door!
We taught the Restoration.
The Spirit was there.
We're going back to teach her on Tuesday.
AND she's getting baptized on January 4!
AND she is friends with a member of the church and has obviously talked to her friend about the church.

Our investigator Joseph is getting baptized!
December 28.
We had a super Spirit filled lesson with a member there.
Last week Joseph wouldn't commit to a date and said he would this week.
At first we still had a rough time getting him to commit, but then the Spirit took over.
We taught the Plan of Salvation with the pamphlet.
Joseph is so grateful for Jesus Christ and the Atonement, which he didn't know much about.
At the end of the lesson we invited Joseph to pray.
We told him to ask if what we taught is true and then said that we would be quiet after the prayer until he talked.
We told him to pay attention to how he felt.
We all kneeled down and waited.
We waited for a good 2-3 minutes in silence, on our knees, bowing our heads.
I don't know what took so long for Joseph to start, but that's ok.
The Spirit came in and hit me like a wall.
The room was so filled with the Spirit.
It was incredible!
Joseph prayed.
He said the most beautiful prayer I've ever heard.
When he finished, we waited a little bit.
Joseph said, with the biggest smile, "I'm so happy right now."
The member that came with us bore a powerful testimony to Joseph that Joseph was feeling the Spirit.
We told Joseph that he can have that feeling with him all the time, and the first step is to be baptized.
We said, "We want to set a date with you for baptism."
He replied, "What day."

You know, everyone measures a missionary's success on how many baptisms he/she got.
I don't care about that number.
I don't care at all.
If I never see anyone baptized, that's ok.
Certainly, I want people to get baptized, because that's the first step to returning home and I want people to make that step.
Unfortunately, some people get baptized and aren't converted.
I want converts.
I will have at least 3.
One of those being myself. 

I love this gospel with all my heart.
I know that it is true.
I know it.
God lives.
Jesus Christ lives.
They are two separate beings and Joseph Smith saw them.
God and Jesus Christ spoke to Joseph Smith and through Joseph Smith, the Priesthood ( was restored and God's church is on the earth. 

I love you all.

Have a wonderful week!

Sister Heywood

Study time! 

Alma 1:25
 "25 Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were asteadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with bpatience the persecution which was heaped upon them." 

We need to stand firm in our faith. DO NOT BE MOVED! 

Here's a great talk about that and some other scriptures you can cross reference this with.
Stand Strong in Holy Places by Robert D. Hales

Romans 1:16
"16 For I am not aashamed of the bgospel of Christ: for it is the cpower of God unto dsalvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."

Mosiah 5:15
" 15 Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in agood works, that Christ, the bLord God Omnipotent, may cseal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who dcreated all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all. Amen." 

AND I also liked Alma 3:19

"19 Now I would that ye should see that they brought upon themselves the acurse; and even so doth every man that is cursed bring upon himself his own condemnation."

Remember, God NEVER distances Himself from us.
We distance ourselves from Him. 

Next week:

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