Monday, November 18, 2013

Miracles Happen Once in a While

Michigan fact:

The weather is always changing.
Let me be more specific.
The weather is changing like every 5 minutes.
No joke.
It's hot and then it rains and the rain either cools everything off or heats things up (which is the more likely option).
Or it's raining and gloomy and 40 degrees, but then it changes to 90.
Or it's bright and sunny and then THUNDER AND LIGHTING AND WINDS OF FURY!
I guess it makes life interesting. 

There's never a dull moment in Michigan. 

Boy have we seen lots of miracles this week! 

-We went contacting and had an awesome lesson with a Caldean.
He's from Iraq and can't read English.
He doesn't want a Book of Mormon and he made the excuse, "oh, well you don't have one of those in my language."
"Actually, we do!"
His face was funny 'cause he lost that fight.
I love people’s faces when they try to make excuses and we resolve them.
They always look like "Shoot. I can't escape."
It's awesome.
We have an Arabic Book of Mormon sitting on our table just waiting to be taken to this man. :)
We're excited!

-We have found out concerns of our less-actives.
AND we've learned that none of them  know anything!
Well, they know a little bit, but they don't know what an apostasy is and all kinds of other basic gospel things. CRAZY!
We're breaking ground with some of these less-actives that missionaries have met with for years and seen little progress with.
It's awesome!
I love the Spirit.
This success is all because of that guy. 

-We met the coolest African American couple at the Post Office!
Kay, this is a cool story!
We had to pick up a package for Sister Taylor there.
The mail guy didn't leave it at home because the office was closed when he got there.
Sister Taylor wasn't too happy about that, but it became a blessing in disguise.
We went to the Post Office and I was stressing out in line thinking "how can I start a conversation with one of these people and share the gospel with them?"
As I was freaking out and my brain was running a million miles per hour, a couple behind us asks if we're sisters.
"No we aren't biologically, but we are for a church."
Turns out they are elders at their church and they are SUPER nice.
They're so cool.
We talked the whole time in line about God.
We asked if they'd heard of the Book of Mormon.
They had, but we didn't really talk much about it.
Shoot. Opportunity gone.
Then we had to go.
I said "Sister Taylor, let's write our testimonies in this Book of Mormon and wait for them to come out, so we can give it to them."
So, we sat in our car like creepers and watched the Post Office doors.
When they came out we jumped out of the car and yelled their names.
We talked to them some more.
They happily accepted the Book of Mormon and we prayed with them.
Wish you could have heard them pray!
Man it was cool.
They were shoutin' and praisin'!
It didn't matter who was walking by or if you're in front of the Post Office.
So, I recommend you find some people of their faith and stand right in front of the entrance and pray.
I promise it's fun. :) 

-We got to teach an investigator that we kind of sort of picked up and kind of sort of dropped.
She loved the message.
She prayed after we taught her the Restoration and she believes it's true.
It was a short powerful lesson with the pamphlet and it was awesome.
She's 13, so she needs to talk to her mom about continuing the lessons.
Pray that her mom's heart is softened so that we can teach them both! 

-We also got to teach a person who was an investigator, but not really and that was really powerful too!
We hope to teach her whole family soon as well and she is super excited for the next lesson.
We've come over and seen her family a lot.
We have grown to love the family dearly and they love us too.
As we were walking away, one of the little girls shouted "BYE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!"
My heart melted!

-Also, President Gerber came over and plunged our toilet for us.
That was a miracle too. 

You know, we always talk about miracles like they are HUGE things.
Like they have to be a big deal.
They don't.
My favorite miracles are always the little ones, like these: 

1. I almost slipped on ice, but didn't.
2. I was able to clean the bathroom without barfing.
3. I don't have to buy milk this week.
4. The toilet stopped working only for an hour yesterday instead of all day.
5. My umbrella didn't break last night in the heavy winds.
6. Sister Taylor is tall enough to reach the glasses on the top shelf for me.
7. I don't have to back Sister Taylor out of the parking lot today when we leave the library.

I could write more, but we'd be here for hours.

I love the little miracles. 

We have a quote in our apartment from Albert Einstein. I don't know it exactly, so I may be butchering it, but here it is: 

You can live your life as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle. 

Please choose the second option.
Life is so much better if you do!
I promise! 

The church is true.
Did you know that?
If you didn't, study, pray and ask in faith.
I know you'll receive an answer and that answer will be YES! 

Have a wonderful week everyone!


Sister Heywood 

What stuck out to me in studies? 

Mosiah 27:28-29 

 28 Nevertheless, after awading through much btribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy hath seen fit to snatch me out of an ceverlasting burning, and I am born of God.

 29 My soul hath been aredeemed from the gall of bitterness and bbonds of iniquity. I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was cracked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is dpained no more.

If God would save the vilest of sinners, He will save you too. 

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