Sunday, June 15, 2014

Itchy Legs and Bloody Noses

My allergies are killing me!
Oh my gosh.
It's awful, but it's warm outside, so I shouldn't be complaining.
I just can't ride with my windows down anymore.

I have a ton of bug bites too.
AND Michigan is humid, so you'd think I wouldn't have dry skin.
I get like 3 bloody noses a day.
I got one in the middle of a lesson this week.
That was fun.
You haven't experienced fun until you get blood all over your shirt and then have to take 10-15 minutes cleaning yourself up in the bathroom, and then you have to sit and teach someone with toilet paper rolled up in your nose.
It's awesome.

The most awesome part about it is that the Spirit was still able to be there :)
It's amazing what the Spirit can do in weird situations.

Well, I've hit a year!
It's been a great year.

6 areas
8 companions
Hundreds of members
and special relationships.

This has been the best year of my life.
I've been able to develop a stronger testimony and become more converted to the gospel.

I'm not the same Emma I was a year ago.
I'm a better Emma.
I'm closer to being the Emma that my Heavenly Father needs me to be.

Because of what I've learned, I will be a better daughter, sister, friend, student, citizen, wife and mother.

I've learned about hard work and picking myself up when I fall.
I've learned how much the gospel changes lives.
Though, I've never seen anyone enter the waters of baptism, I've seen people change all because of the true, restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know this church is true.

Though I'm always tired, God has helped me through.

I have learned about faith and repentance.
I know that God loves me and I know that He loves you.

It'll be weird to have to leave all this behind in 6 months, but just because I won't wear a name badge in 6 months doesn't mean that I'm not a missionary.

I want to encourage you all to pray every day and ask if there is a prophet on the earth.
Read the Book of Mormon and pray if it's true.
You don't even have to read the whole book to know it's true.

We see miracles every day.
Here are some.
1. I can actually wake up at 6:30 after having a full day of being mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted.
2. I found something to keep my shoes from smelling.
3. I haven't strangled investigators yet.
4. I survived another bike ride.
5. A less-active we've been trying to see for weeks finally let us in.
6. We had zone-conference and it boosted my confidence.
7. I received a witness that God is real and that He loves me.

There are so many more, but I'll stop there :)

I love you all!

Sister Heywood

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