Sunday, December 7, 2014

He Is the Gift

I hope you all have checked out He Is the Gift.
Here is the link again.

It is such a beautiful video!
Please share it so we can spread the true spirit of Christmas :)

This week was good.
Thanksgiving was wonderful.

We had an interesting moment this week.
Every Friday, we have a weekly planning session.
It takes a few hours, and it's very crucial for a successful week.
At the end of each planning session we have what's called companionship inventory.
Missionaries don't understand what this is for.
They think it's the only time they have to tell their companion what they don't like about them.
It's a time for criticism and correction for most missionaries.
How awful.
Most people don't like doing it.
I'm sure you can tell why.
It ends up in angry tears and fights sometimes.
I'm proud to say, that I've never had a companionship inventory like that.
I've tried to follow what Preach My Gospel says:
"At the end of your weekly planning session, share with your companion appropriate goals, and ask for his or her help to accomplish them. Discuss the strength of your relationship with your companion. Discuss any challenges that may be keeping your companionship from working in unity or from being obedient. Resolve conflicts. Share with your companion what you think his or her strengths are. Ask for suggestions on how you can improve. If needed, set goals that will improve your relationship."

Companionship inventory is a time to build each other up and help people through problems.
Certainly, disobedience and things like that need to be brought up, but we shouldn't wait until Friday to bring them up.

Why am I telling you about companionship inventory?
Because this week, it was very humbling.
My companion was struggling with some personal things.
I was guided by the Spirit to help her.
I had the feeling to chastise her for some pride.
That's not how I do things, but the Spirit directed me and I did.
It was a chastisement for me too.

I learned about how when we compare ourselves to others and covet others gifts, we are saying we aren't good enough.
We are also saying that God is not good enough, because He didn't make us good enough.
How sad.
Be grateful for the gifts you have.
Thank God every day for them.
AND pray for guidance and development of other gifts.
Also, ask God if the gift you desire is for you.
It may not be, and that's ok.
God has more in store for you than you could ever imagine.

I love you all!

See you soon!
But until then, I will serve diligently until the end!
Love you!

Sister Heywood

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