Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Broke a Chair

My companion was accused for dating an Elder.
That totally didn't happen.
She would never do that.

That event made this a rough week.
We did a lot of crying, pep talking, eating (ice cream mostly) and throwing chairs.
I kinda broke one.
We had a lot of frustrations this week and that's all we could do to get rid of them.
I won't tell you what they are.
I just need to get over myself really.
Pride always gets in the way and that's been my problem this week.

We finally have been able to use FaceBook as a good tool.
We sat down with President and told him our ideas. 
He said "ok."
Then we said "and we don't want to have to ask your permission every time we want to do one of these things."
He said "ok."
We just don't want to bother him since he's a busy guy.
And we're responsible and very capable of knowing what's appropriate and what isn't.

Speaking of FaceBook.
Sister Graham and I made a pretty sweet video about the Plan of Salvation.
Ya'll should watch it and share it with your testimony.
It was totally inspired and I'm so thankful that we were able to get it done.

Though this week was rough, we had a lot of miracles.

Miracle number 1!
We went to a restaurant down town and it was yummy.
The best part was the service.
Everyone was SO NICE!!!
We left our card with our tip (of course) and left.
The next day, we got a call from someone at the restaurant. 
He wanted to donate money to our church (which we don't accept donations), but we told him that we would love to teach him and he said ok!
So we're going to go back :)

Miracle number 2! 
We got $1.20 off our ice cream with our Kroger card.

Miracle number 3!
We had exchanges on Saturday.
All four of us went around and got a couple phone numbers.
Potentials for the win! :)
Then we decided to write in the snow really huge in the middle of campus. 
It kept snowing, so we kept going over it.
We found that while we were doing that, people were curious, so they'd aks what we were doing and we'd teach them.
It was awesome!
We got 7 phone numbers that night.

Miracle number 4!
Yesterday on the way to church we saw this Asian guy stuck in the snow.
Sister Graham said "you want to push a car out."
I said "why not."
I'm sick too, so I don't know why we even considered it.
Anyway, we got out to help.
This guys car was broken.
He wouldn't listen though when we told him because he doesn't really speak English.
SO, he flags down another car.
The girl parks and helps.
We still can't get him out.
He flags down another car.
This guy gets out and helps.
While the guy is helping, all us girls get talking.
The girl is Megan and she's so sweet.
She listens to the Book of Mormon musical and is interested in hearing what we actually believe :)
And she's our neighbor :)
So we exchanged numbers and basically we're best friends now and she's going to be converted, so life is good. :)

I love being a missionary.
Even though I'm freezing my butt off I LOVE IT!!!!!

I know this church is true and I love it!
I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I am so grateful for my loving Heavenly Father.
He's the best!

I love you all!
Have a great week!
Enjoy that sun over there in Cali!
And congrats on the rain!!!!

Sister Heywood

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