Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Change of Fate (June 30th) & Transfer 10! (July 7th)

June 30th

So, you know how I normally stay in an area for 2 transfers?
Well I'm staying in Grand Blanc for 3!!!!!!!!!!
I'm excited though!
I love this area.
What's happening here feels right :)
This week was busy!
We've got an investigator who got bad news about his house payments.
It was so sad to see him crying like that.
He just keeps getting hit with one brick after another.
BUT he calls us his angles and he says we always come right on time. :)

Our other investigator told us he has an addiction, which would explain why he was being so weird the last few weeks.
He hasn't been himself lately and now we know it's because of the addiction.
But he's back to himself again and is grateful for God, Jesus Christ, us and the Book of Mormon to help him with his addiction.

We had another investigator who went on a business trip to Milwaukee.
He's been progressing and changing so much!
But he went on this trip, forgot his Book of Mormon, probably didn't pray, and partied with his co workers.
There was a huge change in him when we saw him.
Lately he's been so happy and using less cuss words and he would only smoke like 1 or 2 cigarettes.
When we saw him after his trip, he smoked like 5 or 6 cigarettes, he would have clogged a toilet with his potty mouth and he looked so tired!
By the end of our meeting he perked up a little bit.
It was kind of cool to see how his life was affected when the gospel wasn't as present in his life.

I love you all!
I pray you will all be well and have a great week!

Sister Heywood

July 7th

So, I've only got 4 transfers left!
I thought I had 3, but it's 4.
CRAZY!!!!!And I'll be home for Christmas :)

I want to thank you all for your support!
I love you all!

So, I've got exciting news!

Gavin and Mike both set baptismal dates this week.

Brandon is going to quit smoking!
We haven't even taught him the Word of Wisdom yet.

My new companion is Sister Lundgren, my other MTC companion!
I'm excited!
I feel like there's more, but my brain is mush right now and I can't remember.

I love this gospel.
It is the ONLY way to true happiness.
Don't believe me?
Try it.
It won't hurt you to try it :)

I love you all so much.
I pray that you will all treasure the Book of Mormon and the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

I testify that Jesus is the Christ.
Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.
The Book of Mormon is true and it can bring us closer to God than any other book.
I URGE YOU TO read the Book of Mormon and pray to know that these things are true. 
I promise you that by doing so that you will receive a witness for yourself that these things are true.
You WILL find true happiness.
I promise you these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sister Heywood

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