Friday, May 2, 2014

Did You Hear They Changed the Missionary Age to 14?!

So....yah they didn't really do that, but everyone here in Grand Blanc thinks I'm 14.
I know, I just turned 20.
I haven't had this issue in other areas haha
Actually I've gotten 15 a couple times, so I'm growing up :)

Well, this week was pretty good.
We did a lot of knocking.

No one was interested this week.
We got 0 new investigators.
Actually, we found a few potentials, so that's good!:)

Our investigators John and Lisa are finally keeping commitments!
It's been so hard to get them to do that and they finally did!
They wouldn't read the Book of Mormon on their own.
They just wanted us to read it with them.
We told them that it's great for them to study with us so we can help them better learn the stories and stuff, but that they need to read on their own so they can have their own experiences and gain their own testimonies.
We will still study with them, but only if they've read the chapter on their own before hand.
We had to do a lot of establishing our purpose in this lesson.
Sometimes as missionaries we fail to establish our purpose right from the beginning.
I think fear gets in the way.
So, that didn't happen with John and Lisa at the beginning.
Not saying that the missionaries who started teaching them failed or anything.
They didn't!
But, now that we have done this, John and Lisa will be able to progress better and faster. :)
We invited them to pray to know that the Book of Mormon is true.
We asked them to do that last week, but they said they didn't even think about it.
SO we committed them this week and they said they will.
We also invited them to be baptized once they know that the Book of Mormon is true.
We talked about acting on our answers, so they agreed to be baptized.
We didn't set a date with them, but now they know that baptism by the proper authority is our goal and desire for them.

We also saw Brandon this week.
(The one who came to church!)
We taught him the Restoration on Monday and the Plan of Salvation on Friday.
He's an interesting guy.
He's had a rough run, been in and out of jail, things like that, but he's awesome.
Lessons are funny with him.
He's like an annoying big brother.
But lessons with him are good and he's going to convert, he just doesn't know it yet :)
He's so cool!

Well, not much else to tell :)
I love you all and I know the church is true!

Here's a cool video by one of my favorite people :)

Sister Heywood

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